Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2015

3D markers

Αυτό είναι ένα μικρό ελαφρύ script που επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να δημιουργήσουν 3D χάρτη markers στο παιχνίδι
Τι κάνει Αυτό το script, κατ 'ουσίαν, είναι να πάρει τους markers 2D που δημιουργήσατε στο παιχνίδι, και στη συνέχεια δημιουργεί ένα 3D marker ταυτόχρονα.

Στο MP, οι 3D marker αντιστοιχούν στον ραδιοφωνικό κανάλι που επιλέγεται.

Αυτό το script επιτρέπει επίσης τη λειτουργία για να ανάβουν και να σβήνουν πολύ εύκολα πατώντας το πλήκτρο Y, το οποίο μπορεί να είναι ιδιαίτερα εύκολα να μπει σε ένα άλλο πλήκτρο.

This is a small lightweight script that allows users to create 3D map markers in game on the fly.
What this script essentially does, is it takes the regular 2D map markers you can create in game, and then creates a 3D counterpart at the same time.

In MP, the 3D markers correspond to the radio channel selected.

This script also allows for the function to be toggled on and off very easily by pressing the Y key, which can be very easily rebound to another key.

The script is included in a demo mission.

There are two ways to do this,
Put the file called 3Dmarkers.sqf in your mission folder and then do either of the below (but not both).
nul = [] execVM "3Dmarkers.sqf";
class params
   class marker3D
    title = "3D markers";
    values[] = {0,1};
    texts[] = {$STR_DISABLED,$STR_ENABLED};
    default = 1;
    isGlobal = 1;  
    file = "3Dmarkers.sqf";

For beginners it is recommended to use the first method.

When the script has been run, simply double click on the map and place any kind of marker. It will then automatically create the corresponding 3D marker in game.

When the script has been run, simply double click on the map and place any kind of marker. It will then automatically create the corresponding 3D marker in game.

Known issues:
- needs to be run on mission start to work properly - causes issues with detecting which radio channel is selected otherwise.

To do:
- Optimize draw3D loop for 3d markers
- Add support for markers to fade or shrink with distance

Credits & Thanks:
Many thanks to shadowmarine578 for giving me the idea in the first place!

Change log:
- Loads of optimizations done to the entire script, should be much more efficient and effective. Missions with lots of markers should have smaller packets being sent over network.
- Added JIP compatability for side chat and global chat markers, (FINALLY!).

- first release

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